Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is this current anti-pubic hair fad bigger than I thought?

Is the anti-pubic hair fad widespread or just verbalized a lot? I'm not interested in why you prefer shaved pubic regions, just how widespread this new fetish is. Can you add your age to your answer? I'm also interested in whether the fad is generational. How about single vs married? That would be interesting to know also.

Is this current anti-pubic hair fad bigger than I thought?

It is scary how many girls go bare these days. I would say about 50% of the girls I know go for the plucked chicken look. And about 2% of them got their boyfriends to do the same. Oh, and they are all in their early twenties. Is it just me, or is that a painful and pointless exercise?

Is this current anti-pubic hair fad bigger than I thought?

Aw! Christ. "I hope so"!

Is this current anti-pubic hair fad bigger than I thought?

You're sick! Take your perverted thoughts elsewhere!

Is this current anti-pubic hair fad bigger than I thought?

No its not that widespread. In fact its only cropped up as much as it has because there are so many more revealing outfits mainly swimwear around that necessitate hair removal.

I am sure it is equally occurring in either married/singles. I used to remove the hair when I was into nudism but don't bother much anymore. Age 59

Is this current anti-pubic hair fad bigger than I thought?

no one wants to bring hedge clippers or a machete to the bed just to get to the treasure. you don't have to shave but at least get your trim on.

Is this current anti-pubic hair fad bigger than I thought?

Haha-"plucked chicken look?" That's pretty said if that's what they look like!

I think it's quite a widespread practice these days. I prefer the not-quite-bare look myself. A little hair there is sexier than none at all, on men and women. Just kept cropped short. "outta the way," so to speak...know what I mean? Age 48. So, no, it's not generational. And I'm currently still married, just not for long.

So, when is this book you're writing due out? lol

Is this current anti-pubic hair fad bigger than I thought?

I'm not sure if it's generational. I think the current 'trend' has been around the last 10-15 years, and like a lot of 'body maintenace' it's not necessarily as widespread as portrayed in the media.

For some women it's for comfort, for fashion, and/or maybe some 'novelty' value for a partner (potential or committed). My personal preference is to 'maintained' rather than removed, and like facial hair is a matter of individual preference. On women, I like 'maintained' versus totally bare, though it's not a big deal when all is said and done - if I'm close enough to find out the state of her personal grooming, then I have better things to be thinking about...

34 - Seperated...

Is this current anti-pubic hair fad bigger than I thought?

I recommend you write a paper on the subject.

Is this current anti-pubic hair fad bigger than I thought?

I am a young women and I do trim my pubic hair so at least it looks nice and neat and shave/wax my bikini line. There is no way that a piece of hot wax is ever going anywhere near my taint, labia or down there. I personal do not like the feel of getting the hairs ripped off my cooch with that waxing strip. It hurts like hell and if the waxer is not careful then you may get really sore down there. Maybe not once but a few times. I know you have lotions and aloe vera and after a while I guess you do get desensetized. I mean I do wax my eyebrows and upper lip(yes some women have to)but I have gotten used to it. Then again, they are not as sensitive as the hair down there. I am just stating what I think and everyone else can think what they want. The current anti-pubic hair fad has gotten out of control in our society. Due to the influence of the Brazilian bikini fashions, the adult industry and most female movie stars(in a nude scene), many females are getting the message that it is their obligation to shave off all their pubic hair. Pubic hair is a sign of puberty and therefore of being a women. I never understood the fascination with having women sport the prebuscent look. Years ago, most women were probably excited that they showed signs of womanhood and I don't think they were eager to go back to looking like young girls. I am not saying that all women should shave or not shave. I mean you do whatever floats your boat. If some girls want to shave it all then more power to them. Here is my two cents. I do not think the pubic hair is just there for decoration. I believe it does serve a purpose. If God did not want us to have pubic hair then he would not have let any grow down there. It makes more sense I think. Of course, it has become the norm for girls to at least shave their legs or underarms because those are the areas that are most visible in the summer or whatnot? I mean, unless you are in a relationship and having lots of sex, I do not think that it matters whether you shave or not. I think women might do well to keep the area trim and maybe a landing strip but bald is way too severe. I think a guy is not worth a women's time or commitment if the main deal breaker in the relationship is because she had a few strands of pubic hair and therefore did not sport the bald eagle look. It seems to me that some of the reasons women do this is because it will please their boyfriends. I don't think a woman should feel compelled to do so unless they themselves feel comfortable with it. It seems that most women do go along with their boyfriends request but then they are unhappy with the practice. A confident and secure woman should just go up to her boyfriend and say, " Now listen here, I will keep my taint clean and at least trimmed but I do not like the shaven pussy look. It is my body and I will do what I want with it. If you have a problem with intercourse or oral sex because of it then I suggest you find someone else to screw." I am just saying this about the women who may not be into this trend.

I think that some of the reasons men want women to get rid of pubic hair are utterly ridiculous:

" I can find the clit, labia and vagina if there is no hair there." That is real BS. Most men should at least have a general idea of where these areas are on a women and if not then refer to a diagram.Many women are going to have these parts in at least the same general area. It is not like a guy is not going to find these areas if a woman has some pubic hair or they are in a totally different area all together.As Samantha Jones said, "Men are too lazy to look for anything down there so they think that having a shaved woman will make it easier for them to find things(Sex in the City)."

"If you have hair down there then you catch odors more easily and bacteria and then it smells nasty." This is true up to a point. If a woman washes her pussy well and takes care of it then there should be no problem with odors and bacteria. A woman can still be clean and fresh regardless of whether she has pubic hair or not. Let us just say that you have a female(any occupation you like) who tends to have greasy head hair and is prone to dandruff. Normally, she may wash her hair and body everyday and then it is clean. However, let's just say that you get into a situation and may not be able to wash your hair for a week or so because you had no showers and you had to use baby wipes or body wipes(you may get stuck in the wilderness I guess." The hair on my head may be unmanageable at times but does that mean I should shave it all off so I do not have to take care of it. If woman shave all of their pubic hair off then they do not have to worry about it because then they have none to take care of. Before anyone says anything think about what I am saying. Most women may need to be a bit more educated about bacteria and odor down there. Pubic hair actually blocks bacteria from getting into the vagina. Having pubic hair down there can actually help a woman's love life. Pubic hair captures pheremones, which can be arousing to some men. Most men love the natural smell of the vagina(it's not like it is going to smell like garbage or fish down down there." Of course, you hear men complaining that it smells bad down there. Unless a women has a yeast infection or something that is causing the bad smell it is just the natural scent of the vagina area. Seriously, you are talking about the natural smell of a woman's sex. Do men expect to place their heads down there and smell peppermints and poppouri emitting from a woman's vagina. I mean at times there may be a problem and it may smell bad but if not then it is just the natural smell.

1. Hair in the pubic area can capture and spread pheromones to make a man or a woman sexually attracted to one another.

2. Pubic hair reduces friction during body movement and makes it less likely to get skin irritation. There are hundreds of women who may say," The sex is better or more arousing etc without

the pubic hair." I guess that may be true for most woman and hey that is fine but think about. Pubic hair can and does act as a cushion for sex. Think about it; when two people have sex they are rubbing and grinding their pubic areas against one another. If you have hair there then you do not encounter skin irration or friction because of the hair. If you are hairless then you might encounter friction and skin irritation especially with vigorous rubbing or rough sex. This might not happen to all women who shave down there but it is a possibility and could happen.

3. One of the big hindrances about a female's pubic hair is that it gets in the way of oral sex and then you hear the guy complain about pubic hairs stuck in his teeth and some other nonsense. Men act like they are going to swallow a furball or something if they have to perform oral sex on a woman with pubic hair. You can just move it out of the way or move it to one side. As far as it getting caught in guys' teeth. Not sure what can be done about that.

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