Is it a good idea for someone who has such a passion for hair (cosmetology) go to school for it with not that much talent? Is this something where you need alot of talent at or just a big passion for it and something you get better at?
Hair School?
Talent makes it easier but if you love doing hair then you will most likely develop the skills. I recommend going to a public Vo-tech type school that will be much cheaper than the private ones and they all teach you what you need to know for your state test. Once you have enough hours to start working , find a salon with a strong training program and get strated. This is where you will learn the real important stuff. Once licensed use the money you saaved on school to take professional classes. If you are at a really good salon they may pay for some of these classes and should have in house training. I did both private and then public and there was little difference except the huge price difference. Good luck!!
Hair School?
chk this link
Hair School?
Passion is a PLUS! I loved doing hair before I even went to school, but once I got there my self confidence slowly went away. I thought omg all these people are way better then me, should I quit. I couldn't cut mens hair at all. Then I just changed my attitude, told myself this is what my passion is so do my best. I got an assistant job at a high end salon and I learned so much there. I went to school, got my hours in and was an assistant for a year and after that I was super confident about my decision! Choosing a career isn't easy sometimes but if you have a passion, it's there for a reason! Go with will love it. It's a hard job and you have to be ready for anything..because not all clients will be happy. As long as you know you did your best...and this is the job you love then it's worth all the heartaches! Goodluck!
Hair School?
Go for your dream, you will kick yourself if you don't!
Hair School?
Most people who enter hair school don't know how to do hair. So go for it. Passion counts for everything. If you have passion for it, the skill will come with time. And frankly, you won't learn what you really need to know until you are out in the field doing hair (hair school just teaches you what you need to know in order to pass the state board tests).
Good luck!
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